PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics - Free download of guitar tablature for The Show by Lady Lenka
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Lady Lenka guitar chords  - The Show   

*****  PJs Guitar Chords & Lyrics  -  http://www.guitarsongs.info  *****
SHOW             LADY LENKA
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
Am                                       F
I don't know where to go I can't do it alone, I've tried
and I don't know why
C        G             Am
Slow it down, make it stop
            F                 C
or else my heart is going to pop
              G                  Am
'cuz it's too much, yeah it's a lot
   F                C
to be something I'm not
       G          Am
I'm a fool out of love
        F               G
'cuz I just can't get enough
I am just a little girl, lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but I don't show it
Am                                       F 
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down, I know
                   G                       C
I've got to let it go, and just enjoy the show
C           G         Am                F
The sun is hot in the sky, just like a giant spotlight
C           G         Am        F              C
The people follow the sign and synchronize in time
C       G           Am                  F               G
It's a joke nobody knows they've got a ticket to that show, yeah
I am just a little girl, lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but I don't show it
Am                                       F 
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down, I know
C                  G                        F       C
I've got to let it go, and just enjoy the sho-o-o-o-ow
                F        G
Just enjoy the sho-o-o-o-ow
I am just a little girl, lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but I don't show it
Am                                       F 
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down, I know
                   G                       C
I've got to let it go, and just enjoy the show
{{In the next part just listen out for the chord changes, the order is C, G, Am, F, C}}
C       G            Am   F               C
Dum de dum dudum de dum, Just enjoy the show
C       G            Am   F               C
Dum de dum dudum de dum, Just enjoy the show
C                     G
I want my money back, I want my money back
Am                     F              C
I want my money back, Just enjoy the show
C                     G
I want my money back, I want my money back
Am                     F              C
I want my money back, Just enjoy the show
The above is solely MY INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists.
No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song, 
if such exists.
It can be used for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To play the song as it should be played, you should 
purchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learn 
the rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play the song with any degree of accuracy


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Lady Lenka guitar chords  - The Show









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