PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics - Free download of guitar tablature for Everlong by Foo Fighters |
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Everlong Foo fighters (Drop-D Tuning (tune low E string to D)) Dmaj7 Bsus2 Gsus2/E Bsus2 (x2) Asus4 add5 Asus4 Bsus2 add4 Bsus2 Gsus2/E Bsus2 add4 Bsus2 (x2) Dmaj7 Bsus2 Gsus2/E Bsus2 Hello, I've waited here for you, everlong Dmaj7 Bsus2 Gsus2/E Bsus2 Tonight, I throw myself into and out of the red, out of her head she sang Asus4 add5 Asus4 Bsus2 add4 Bsus2 Gsus2/E Bsus2 add4 Bsus2 Come down and waste away with me, down with me Slow how you wanted it to be, I'm over my head, out of her head she sang (Bridge) C#/D D/D E/D F#/D G/D A/D A (Bridge) A (Bridge) And I wonder when I sing along with you Bm G6 D If everything could ever feel this real forever Bm G6 D If everything could ever be this good again Bm G6 The only thing I'll ever ask of you D A G6 Asus4 Thing You got to promise not to stop when I say when- she sang Breathe out, so I can breathe you in, hold you in And now, I know you've always been out of your head, out of my head I sang And I wonder when I sing along with you If everything could ever feel this real forever If everything could ever be this good again The only thing I'll ever ask of you You got to promise not to stop when I say when- she sang *Interlude* Main Riff--> Asus4 Thing -->Bridge And I wonder if everything could ever feel this real forever If everything could ever be this good again The only thing I'll ever ask of you You got to promise not to stop when I say when... Copyright 1997 By Dave Grohl The Colour and The Shape This song is a lot easier to play than it looks. The thing that can throw you off is the drop D tuning (tune only your low E-string to a D) and the funky chords it produces. I didn't tab out the strumming pattern below, but if you listen to, or play along with the song, it's not too difficult to catch onto. I tabbed out the "Asus4 Thing" just a little more, cause it helps to see when you add the extra note in. The chords noted in the bridge are labled incorrectly to help get the idea across a little easier. In Drop-D tuning (D A D G B E) Main Riff: Dmaj7 Bsus2/E Gsus2 Bsus2/E e |--2------2--------5-------2-- B |--2------2--------5-------2-- G |--2------4--------7-------4-- D |--0------4--------7-------4-- A |--0------2--------5-------2-- D |--0------2--------5-------2-- Asus4 Thing: Asus4 add5 Asus4 Bsus2 add4 Bsus2 Gsus2/E Bsus2 add4 Bsus2 e |-0-0-0--0-0--0-2-0---0-0-0--0-0--0-2-0---5-5-5-5---0-0-0--0-0--0-2-0-- B |-2-2-2--2-2--2-2-2---2-2-2--2-2--2-2-2---5-5-5-5---2-2-2--2-2--2-2-2-- G |-2-2-2--2-2--2-2-2---4-4-4--4-4--4-4-4---7-7-7-7---4-4-4--4-4--4-4-4-- D |-0-0-0--0-0--0-0-0---4-4-4--4-4--4-4-4---7-7-7-7---4-4-4--4-4--4-4-4-- A |-0-0-0--0-0--0-0-0-----------------------5-5-5-5---------------------- D |-----------------------------------------5-5-5-5---------------------- Bridge: C#/D D/D E/D F#/D G/D A/D A e |--------------------------------------0000-- B |--------------------------------------2222-- G |-6-s-7---7-s-9---9-s-11--11-s-12-14---2222-- D |-0-0-0---0-0-0---0----0---0----0--0---2222-- A |-4-s-5---5-s-7---7-s--9---9-s-10-12---0000-- D |-0-0-0---0-0-0---0----0---0----0--0--------- s = slide Chorus: Bm G6 D A e |--2---0---2---0-- B |--3---0---3---2-- G |--4---4---2---2-- D |--4---5---0---2-- A |--2---5---0---0-- D |------5---------- ********************************************************************** Notes on my "tabbing" method: * * *I have tried to simplify the communication of each song * the best I could. So, I'll generally only put chords on * the first verse and first chorus. If you see any chords * after this it is because there is some variation from the * original pattern, a bridge, or a solo. * * *I make every effort to include tablature for guitar riffs, * intros, outros, and any other bits that might best help * express the song. I don't generally include solos unless * they are essential to the expression of the song. * * *I will annotate any out of the ordinary chords, but any * regular chords that you don't know can be found on the * chord chart which is linked to the Songs page. * * ********************************************************************** I welcome questions, comments, corrections, etc... michael@cosmic-kitchen.com http://www.cosmic-kitchen.com
The above is MY guitar chords and lyrics INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists. No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song, if such exists.
It can be used for INFORMATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY by learning guitarists who wish to practice playing guitar using songs they like. To play the song as it should be played, you should purchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learn the rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play song chords with as accurately as possible
Click here for printable version
Foo Fighters guitar chords - Everlong